
You can kayak in lakes, rivers, the ocean, in calm waters and not-so-calm waters. Kayaks themselves come in a number of different forms, all depending on their function. Even with hardly any kayaking skills, you can still participate and have a fantastic time in a kayak – in the company of a trained instructor, of course!

The most popular version of kayaks are wide and very stable boats that you propel using double-bladed oars which are light and easy to manoeuvre.

Kayaking is a low-impact activity which helps you maintain and improve your flexibility, strength and aerobic fitness. You get a great workout for your back, arm, shoulder and chest muscles from moving the paddle while also improving your cardiovascular fitness. Your legs and general torso area also get a good workout as these are used to help you power the kayak in the water. 

A real joy of kayaking on calm waters is the blissed-out, meditative state it induces.

Contact Us to learn more about Kayaking and how we can arrange an event for you and your group.


What to bring - Kayaking

What we provide

  • Trained instructor/s
  • Buoyancy aid
  • Wetsuit
  • Helmet
  • Healthy snacks and water

What to bring

  • Swimwear
  • Old runners
  • Towels and/or dry robe
  • Dry shoes and warm clothes to change into

Suitable for age 8+

Available all year round (weather permitting)

What to bring - Move, Breathe, Swim, Eat

What we provide

– Trained instructor
– Healthy, nutritious lunch and drinks

What to bring

– Comfortable, stretchy pants/shorts
– Swimsuit
– Tee-shirt (long or short sleeves)
– Warm light top or fleece and socks
– Comfortable footwear
– Water bottle
– Towel
– Light blanket

Suitable for age 8+

Available all year round