
More and more people are becoming aware of the benefits of a regular meditation practice. There are many different forms of meditation, most of which don’t require that you be in a special space or have any equipment. Even five minutes of practice, twice daily, can have positive effects on your health and wellbeing. 

While it is not possible to completely stop the busy mind, the practice of meditation allows your mind to quieten. You gain perspective on your life, cultivate focus and attention and emotion regulation as well as developing compassion.

Some of the proven health benefits of meditation include stress reduction, greater anxiety control and coping skills, increased concentration, better sleep patterns, improved psychological health, increased attention span, and greater control of pain. Some practices help you develop greater self-awareness and promote greater self-development. Meditation may reduce age-related memory loss and can decrease blood pressure.

There are a few different styles of meditation practice and you can try various approaches to see which suits you best.

Contact us to learn more about meditation and how we can arrange an event for you and your group.


What to bring - Meditation

What we provide

  • Trained instructor
  • All necessary equipment 
  • Healthy snacks and water

What to bring

  • Comfortable, stretchy pants/shorts
  • Tee-shirt (long or short sleeves)
  • Warm light top or fleece and socks
  • Comfortable footwear
  • Water bottle
  • Towel
  • Light blanket

Suitable for age 8+

Available all year round

What to bring - Move, Breathe, Swim, Eat

What we provide

– Trained instructor
– Healthy, nutritious lunch and drinks

What to bring

– Comfortable, stretchy pants/shorts
– Swimsuit
– Tee-shirt (long or short sleeves)
– Warm light top or fleece and socks
– Comfortable footwear
– Water bottle
– Towel
– Light blanket

Suitable for age 8+

Available all year round